Korea SaaS Industry Map and Search Behavior

Korea SaaS Industry Map and Search Behavior based on Search Queries

7 min read

When you explore the Korean market, understanding the key players in various SaaS categories is crucial. Here, we introduce some prominent Korean SaaS companies, categorized by their specific industries, and highlight their core marketing keywords.

Although Naver still takes the majority of Search Engine usage in Korea, Marketing Tech, AI/Deep Tech, Collaboration and Knowledge industry shows higher search queries on Google than Naver. This tells about even if the market uniqueness in media, it is recommended to deep dive into industry and persona analysis to localize your content.


In this article, you can see the Korean SaaS player’s specialty and core keywords for each industry with search volume.

1. HR Tech

Key Players: Flex, Lemonbase, Wanted, Greeting

Characteristics: Korean HR Tech companies focus heavily on integrated HR management systems, providing end-to-end solutions for recruitment, performance tracking, and employee management. These platforms emphasize user-friendly interfaces and mobile accessibility, catering to Korea's tech-savvy workforce.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
인사관리HR Management7201610
인재 채용Talent Recruitment390440
성과 관리Performance Management590570

2. Healthcare

Key Players: Lunit, Cashwalk, Vuno, BlueLabs

Characteristics: Healthcare SaaS in Korea often leverages AI to provide advanced diagnostic tools and health management solutions. These companies focus on precision medicine and data analytics, aiming to improve patient outcomes through innovative technology.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
의료 기술Medical Technology320580
인공지능Artificial Intelligence3310031200
건강 관리Health Management8801860

3. Design & Content

Key Players: Miricanvas, Mangoboard, Twelve Labs

Characteristics: Design and content creation tools from Korea are designed to be highly intuitive, enabling users to create professional-grade materials with ease. They often include extensive template libraries and collaboration features, supporting both individual creators and teams.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
콘텐츠 제작Content Creation260390
비디오 편집Video Editing1000520

4. Marketing Tech

Key Players: Appier, AB180, BubbleShare, Adriel, IGAWorks, Buzzvil, Mobidays, Channel Talk, Stibee

Characteristics: Marketing tech firms in Korea focus on leveraging big data and AI to optimize advertising campaigns and customer engagement. These platforms provide comprehensive analytics and automation tools, helping businesses maximize their marketing ROI.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
마케팅 자동화Marketing Automation260130
데이터 분석Data Analytics54004660
광고 캠페인Advertising Campaigns320240

5. Fintech

Key Players: Toss, Kakao Pay, Wadiz, Banksalad, QuotaBook, Zuzu, Payple, Finda

Characteristics: Korean fintech companies are leaders in digital payment solutions and investment platforms. They emphasize security, ease of use, and seamless integration with other financial services, catering to a rapidly digitizing financial landscape.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
금융 서비스Financial Services260360

6. Travel Tech

Key Players: Myrealtrip, Hereweare, Yanolja

Characteristics: Travel tech in Korea focuses on providing comprehensive travel planning and booking services. These platforms offer detailed reviews, personalized recommendations, and integrated booking options, making travel arrangements seamless for users.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
여행 예약Travel Booking110650
여행 플래너Travel Planner7201210
여행 후기Travel Reviews170490

7. Collaboration

Key Players: Doooray!, Jandi, Swit, Naver Works, Flow

Characteristics: Collaboration tools from Korea are designed to support remote work and enhance team communication. They offer features such as chat, file sharing, project management, and integration with other business tools, ensuring efficient team collaboration.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
협업 도구Collaboration Tools170120
원격 근무Remote Work320510
프로젝트 관리Project Management1000460

8. AI/Deep Tech

Key Players: Bespin Global, Skelter Labs, Wrtn

Characteristics: AI and deep tech companies in Korea are at the forefront of innovation, providing solutions that leverage AI and machine learning for various applications, including data analytics, automation, and predictive modeling.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
인공지능Artificial Intelligence3310031200
머신러닝Machine Learning1210011010
데이터 분석Data Analytics54004660
딥러닝Deep Learning1210011370

9. Education

Key Players: Speak, Riiid, Mathpresso

Characteristics: Korean EdTech firms focus on personalized learning experiences, utilizing AI to tailor educational content to individual needs. They offer online learning platforms and AI-driven tutoring systems that enhance learning efficiency.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
온라인 학습Online Learning260490
에듀테크Edu Tech440010650
교육 플랫폼Education Platform480530

10. Cybersecurity

Key Players: AhnLab, Hecto Innovation, INKA Networks

Characteristics: Cybersecurity companies in Korea provide comprehensive solutions to protect against digital threats. They focus on network security, data protection, and threat detection, ensuring robust defenses for businesses and individuals.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
사이버 보안Cybersecurity16003170
네트워크 보안Network Security720430
보안 솔루션Security Solutions720450

Key Players: Lawtalk, Law&Good, Lbox

Characteristics: Legal tech in Korea offers online platforms for legal consultation and services. These companies aim to make legal assistance more accessible and affordable, providing users with easy access to legal information and professional advice.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
법률 서비스Legal Services110170
온라인 법률 상담Online Legal Consultation40220
법률 정보Legal Information4801270

12. Mobility

Key Players: Kakao Mobility, Tada, UT, SOCAR

Characteristics: Mobility services in Korea focus on car sharing, rental, and ride-hailing solutions. These platforms emphasize convenience, affordability, and seamless user experiences, catering to urban populations with diverse transportation needs.

Korean KeywordsEnglish KeywordsGoogle Monthly Search VolumeNaver Monthly Search Volume
차량 공유Car Sharing110660
차량 대여Car Rental140990

(source: Naver Search Ads, Google Ads)